Thursday, January 21, 2010

CHAPTER ONE: comes the rain!

Oh... ah...

Yes that is me breathing in deep, cracking my neck and stretching out in the warm sunlight and oh how it feels so very good. Have you ever just had a good stretch or want to crawl in bed and it feels so good under the sheets that you want to giggle like a little girl?


Well my friend, you need to throw off your sad old ways and live man! Come on and join us in the bed sleeping happy fools!

So, you must know by now that I am having a much better day then yesterday. I got something done today and the feeling is I must say... wonderful. Got half of my book done and now the other half is on the way, I even had to read the last line to Karissa because I think it is good. Lol Funny how something written is good no matter who wrote it. I think that stuff I write is okay, maybe good at times, but when something just hits home, well it makes it all worth it.

We had a great time tonight at North Star Books in our little writing/publishing group. Talked about making a plan to write everyday and how to stick with it. I also met some way cool people and I am excited to work with such talented people.

I also wanted to say something to someone... you will know if I am talking to you if the ever so tight shoe fits... That I am so very happy to be working with you. I think you have a great future as a writer and don't worry, the title will come and soon you will have a masterpiece to be proud of. Keep up the good work.

Well I am off... my bed and a good book are calling...

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