Friday, January 22, 2010

CHAPTER ONE: And the rain came...

Day of rain, sleet, and with it all I did manage to get something done.

I was thinking about the book meeting last night and thinking more about making a plan. You know a plan can be a good thing, maybe even a outline so you know where the book is going. However, if you cram your book and the plot into this so called plan then it will end up reading like a high school football playbook instead of a novel with real life in it.

Just a thought...


  1. Aaron...
    Just found your site the other day.
    I can keep up with whats going on with you.
    I guess I'm a Friend?
    Now you can go to my site...
    you are there,
    Take care,
    Mrs. S.
    P.S. I know I'm not suppose to use...
    but I like to...

  2. You can use my real name, everyone already knows it... =) Thanks for following and if you like the blog feel free to share!
