Saturday, March 20, 2010

CHAPTER THREE: Race or Race?

The event I went to in Orlando was filled with everyone but Americans. One thing I noticed was how excited and loving everyone was. The people of China would kiss me on the cheek and if you were nice to one, they told all their friends and there would come 50 more. It was like we were rock stars even though we really were not.

It is cool to see the different way people show affection, we here in the States are so very reserved compared to most of the rest of the world. I may get a chance to go to China this year and I hope I get to, I can't imagine how it is there if it is this crazy with 3000 of them here.


  1. The EVENT you WENT to.... =) Love you!

  2. Hey...
    He's tired...
    we will forgive his typo errors...
    yes we will.
    Can't wait to hear ALL about your adventures!
    Mrs. S.
    See you all soon...yea!
