Sunday, April 25, 2010


It is amazing how fast a cold can hit you. I was feeling fine yesterday and this morning... well we have all had the bug at one point in our lives so I need not go into the details. Thus Kayden and myself stayed home and got all sick on each other and I managed to get some rest. Not much but some.

So as I sit here not feeling all that spunky I find myself wondering if a good rant will do it or if I should bow out. The problem with a rant is that I have a few this week to pick from.

Tell you what, you make the call and tomorrow I will tell you about it.

Rant one is about a service dog, one who does not do anything but beg me with her eyes to be let free... and bringing the dog into Famous Dave's!

Rant two is the back-row nursery. Yes we have a name for it because it is there every Sunday. Should this person be talked to? You know... you might be distracting someone who needs help cuz you won't let your perfect kids in the nursery?

Or we could talk about the way some people charge for a library of congress number to unsuspecting authors when the darn thing is free!

Let me know...


  1. Well we know you are not feeling good and who is KAYDEN? Last I knew our babies name is KLAYTON =)

    I pick BOTH! Let er rip!

    Love you!

  2. I tried to post this last night...
    my PC was "acting up"...
    maybe like those kids in church???
    Yes...who is Kayden???
    I want to hear "ranting"!!!
    But, what about the picture at the top of this post...I want to be able to take photos like that...
    Don't you...
    and get them least make some money with them. YES... I do.
    Love ya,
    Mrs. S.
