You can buy The Suicide Club here: AMAZON
I have not post in here much the past few months but I have a good reason... I've been writing! Yeah...whatareyougonnado?
So just to wet your book buds here is a sneak peek into what is coming. Oh and if you want to buy any of them they are up for Pre-order on just about every retailer out there... I would go for iBooks myself but that is just me.
You can buy ZERO here: IBOOKS
The Suicide Club is really exciting and like nothing I have ever written before. Edgy and will push your own boundaries...well maybe I have written other books like this lol.
Zero is a young adult dystopian series that is set in a controlled world where fences and walls keep out "The Infected" or maybe they keep everyone else in...
And if you want to meet Kirk Weston the star of The Suicide Club you can read a short story that is part of the Flight 12 project. This book is live so go get a copy and let me know what you think of Mr. Kirk AKA Mr. bad attitude.
You can get Flight 12 here: IBOOKS
That is what I have been doing, that and the holidays, kids, wild cats and a ton of other stuff... Post a comment and say hi.

Author Aaron Patterson: Blog: The Worst Book Ever.